Photography, Video and Streaming

Göteborg Basketball Festival have exclusive agreements with media partners related to commercialization of Photos, Videos and Streaming. It is not allowed to commercialize on any media from any instance of the tournament.

-        It is strictly prohibited to publish photos or videos for commercial use or gain (selling, trading or making other material by using media assets obtained at the tournament).

-        It is strictly prohibited to stream video from any game of the tournament due to licensed agreements with partners. You may not stream for personal use, regardless of number of spectators or streamers. Any such instance will be taken seriously and may result in legal action.

-        All aspects include the use on social media for commercial purposes.

-        To clarify, any private use and private social media use is considered valid and accepted.

Respect the rules and respect players, referees and the staff, as well as spectators who do not wish to be photographed. Always ask permission of those depicted before publishing content.

Photographers, news entities, and media agencies with credentials are  prohibited from selling or in any other way commercializing on photos  or videos of any kind from Göteborg Basketball Festival. This includes the use on social media for commercial purposes.

To clarify, any private use and private social media use is considered valid.